
concentric circles 【數學】同心圓。

concentric fire

The random mathematical model is described using equivalent markov equations . the time and state parameters are discrete . based on the model , the flow rate distributions along radial and average at any height can be calculated directly , moreover , the probability transition matrix of the flow can be determined via the statistic character of the random cumulate particles , and be corrected by s . cd the random theoretical model shown in fig . l , the section of the bed of tbr is divided into a series of concentric circles 一、在常溫和常壓下進行滴流床反應器流率分布的研究,以狀態離散、時間離散的齊次markov過程描述了滴流床在滴流區的流率分布,建立了滴流床在滴流區流率分布的隨機模型,根據此模型可以: 1 、可直接確定任一高度下的液體徑向流率分布及平衡流率分布; 2 、液體流動的概率轉移矩陣可由隨機堆積顆粒的統計特性確定,以參數s修正。

Inasmuch as leaning she sustained her blond hair for him to ribbon it for her cf . neckarching cat . moreover , on the free surface of the lake in stephen s green amid inverted reflections of trees her uncommented spit , describing concentric circles of waterrings , indicated by the constancy of its permanence the locus of a somnolent prostrate fish cf 而且,她連招呼也沒打一聲就朝著“斯蒂芬草地”那浩森的湖面145上啐了一口,唾沫浮在一棵棵樹的倒影之間,劃下一圈圈同心圓的波紋,持久而凝然不動,以一條人睡般平臥著的魚為記號與守候老鼠的貓相比。

The spray area of this series of nozzle is formed by one or several continuous hollow cone - shape rings of concentric circles . the nozzle aperture will not be blocked up . it is mainly used for flue elimination , cooling of steel - making convertor . and redistributing in all kinds of washing towers . it also can be used for jar cleaning . used in cooling tower and fire apparatus 該系列噴嘴的噴霧區域是由一個或幾個連續的同心圓空心錐環組合而成,不易阻塞,主要用于煉鋼轉爐煙道除塵降溫及各種洗滌塔里的再分布,也可用于清洗罐、冷卻塔、消防設備中。

The non - local nonlinear advection possesses the duality : on one hand , compared with the linear circumstance , it increases the inward - propagation of vorticity , thus favorable to the strengthening of the typhoon ; however on the other hand , the inward - propagating vorticity destroys the concentric circle structure of the typhoon circulation , leading to the weakening of the typhoon 非局域非線性平流的作用具有兩重性:一方面,與線性情況相比,可使內傳渦量增加,這有利于臺風增強;另一方面內傳的渦量又破壞了臺風環流的同心圓結構,這使臺風趨于減弱。

After the field survey , the technique and implementation group of igcsb chose dajianshan where is 18km away from lanzhou seismic station in the south - west as the array site among several backup sites , and enforced a site survey on august , 1999 . eignt suits of instruments supported by the analysis and prediction center , csb were used for the field observation , and 18 sites were deployed on two concentric circles and a beeline respectively . during the 18 days , we achieved about 3gb waveform data 1999年8月,中國地震局地球物理研究所臺陣建設技術實施組經過實地考察,從幾個候選陣址中選中蘭州地震臺西南方向18km的大尖山作為ims蘭州臺陣陣址,在中國地震局分析預報中心的支持下,投入了8套地震儀器以同心圓分布和直線分布方式在蘭州大尖山陣址對18個測點進行了為期18天的野外觀測,取得了約3gb的地震數據。

The whole process just likes concentric circles with the cadres at the level of production team and brigade advocating the demand of farming on his own as the perpetual centre and with the development of the movement towards the direction of the left deviation , the outer circle would broaden appropriately and include the cadres at the level of community and county into its scope step by step 運動的發展就像一個同心圓,始終以生產隊、大隊兩級有“單干”問題的干部為圓心,隨著運動不斷向“左”的方向發展,這個同心圓也不斷地擴大,逐步將縣、區級干部也包括在范圍之內。

Usually , the best practical design of ims array adopt concentric circles deployment , i . e . to deploy 3 sp seismometers on the inner ring and five ones on the outer ring with near equidistance , and then with one broad - band seismometer at the center 為了達到全方位均勻監測的目的, ims臺陣最實用的設計,通常采取同心圓布局方案,即在內環和外環分別基本等距地部署3個和5個子臺,還有一個則落在圓心上。

Thus , beginning with the fifteenth century , where our story finds us , paris had already outgrown the three concentric circles of walls which , from the time of julian the apostate , existed , so to speak , in germ in the grand - chatelet and the petit - chatelet 因此,我們暫且就以十五世紀來說吧,那時巴黎就已經沖破那三道同心圓的城垣了,遠在叛教者朱利安時代,大堡和小堡就可以說是這三道城垣的胚胎了。

This paper made an analysis to the space structure of the tus from three layers of the villages , the internal of the village and inner part of the zhuangkuo ( tus courtyard ) , discussed the concentric circles structure of the village finally 本文時土族村落空間結構從村落與村落之間、村落內部、莊廓及其內部三個層次進行分析,最后討論了村落的同心圓結構。

( 2 ) on the foundation of the virtuality and reality combination , and combine the panorama looking around , concentric circles picture technology , it has yield the conception of virtual globe ( 3 )以視球圖像的三維空間幾何變換方法為基礎,提出了視球采樣點附近小范圍內漫游的計算公式以及多視球空間擺渡的技術方案。

And the new conceptions such as product sale exchange coefficient were posed and quantitated in the system . and the way of concentric circles survey to obtain the basic data was introduced in the thesis 提出了產品銷售交易系數、產品銷售相對交易系數的概念和定量化表達方式,以及同心圓基礎數據調查方法。

Using concentric circles on the board , illustrate the three kinds of people mentioned in this portion of the lesson : outside of covenant , in covenant , redeemed . review these basic concepts 在黑板上用同心圓說明在這節課的這個部份所提及三種人:在約以外的,在約以內的,被救贖的。復習這些基本概念。

The conclusions are as follows : the highest stress and strain focus on the concentric circle of inner pinholes , especially the small areas located on margin of pinholes in the direction of bridge 結果表明,變形和應力集中主要發生在終止小孔內圈,尤其是孔橋間連線的邊緣局部區域。

The west window is 9 . 75 meters in diameter and depicts the infant jesus surrounded by 16 prophets , 32 old testament kings , and 32 high priests , in concentric circles 西窗直徑長9 . 75米,上面描繪了16位先知、舊約全書里的32位列王以及32位大祭司,呈同心圓圍繞著襁褓中的耶穌。

The data are recorded on a series of concentric circles called tracks . the access mechanism steps from track to track , reading or writing one track at a time 數據被記錄在一些被稱為磁道的同心圓上,存取裝置讀寫磁道的過程是從一個磁道到另一個磁道,一次只讀寫一個磁道。

They came first as simple circles , followed in later years by 3 ) concentric circles , circles connected by lines and then finally beautiful 4 ) geometric shapes 起初只是簡單的圓形,接下來的幾年則變成同心圓及有線條連接的圓圈,最后還出現美麗的幾何形狀。

Abstract : in this paper , the characters of two kinds of urban structure , the concentric circles with single center and the spool thread with poly - centers , have been discussed 文摘:分析了兩種城市結構即單中心同心圓與多中心軸線式的特點。

Or , do you live your life in little concentric circles , like the grain of sand dropped into a lake , which does not make even a decent ripple 或者你還是獨自生活在一個向心圓里面,如同沙礫入湖面也擊不起一點點像樣的漣漪來呢?

Just like a ground - plan for successive moats that in concentric circles bind their center and serve to protect the ramparts of the castle 如同那種地面的形狀所呈現出的一樣,為了要防護城墻,重重的壕溝環繞著一座城堡。